Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hauntingly Easy

Need to whip up a batch of Halloween-themed cupcakes faster than a bat can fly out of you-know-where?

These ideas are for you.

First, you'll need to bake up a batch of your favourite cupcakes. Use a mix if you want or make them from scratch. A recipe for dark, fudgy, brownie-style cupcakes can be found here.

Now, with stuff you probably already have hanging around in the cupboard, you can do this:

Simply Scary Sayings:
Spread vanilla or chocolate icing in a smooth layer over plain cupcakes. Gently melt 50 ml (one quarter cup) chocolate chips in the microwave or for a minute or two (use white chocolate if cupcakes are iced in regular chocolate), scoop into a zippered plastic bag, snip off a very small corner and carefully spell out short and scary sayings such as Boo!, Eek! and R.I.P.

Kitty Cat Cupcakes: Spread white icing in a smooth layer over tops of cupcakes. Use chocolate chips, small black gumdrops or jelly beans for the cat’s eyes and nose. Press on black liquorice shoestring candy for whiskers.

Dracula cupcakes: Spread white icing over cupcakes. Dip a toothpick into a little cherry or raspberry jam or red cake decorating gel. (Thin with a tiny amount of water if necessary) and then poke the toothpick into the icing to make two red vampire fang marks. Use the toothpick to draw a thin trail of raspberry “blood” dripping out of each fang hole.

OK, in the best Count Dracula voice you can muster, repeat after me: "I vant to bite your cupcake!"

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